A hard-nosed fullback for Brookhattan and other clubs who was the leading defender in the American Soccer League during much of an ASL career that lasted from 1935 to 1950
Barr was captain of the Brookhattan team for many seasons, but missed the winning of a “triple” in 1945, the year when Brookhattan took the ASL, Lewis Cup and U.S. Open Cup titles. At the time, he was in the army in the Southwest Pacific, where he did captain a U.S. Army team in several games in Australia. He also played for Brooklyn St. Mary’s Celtic and Brooklyn Hispano during his ASL career.
The peak of Barr’s career coincided with an era when the United States played no full internationals for 10 years because of World War II, but he made his mark in other ways, starring
repeatedly in ASL all-star selections that played games against touring foreign teams. Most noteworthy of these was the two-game series against a touring Scottish FA team in 1939.
Inducted in 1983.