Graham Guide Digitization Project fundraiser exceeds goal in less than 48 hours!

SASH launched its first fundraising campaign since securing nonprofit status in 2022 on July 24. The purpose of the fundraising campaign is to raise $1600 to pay for the digital scanning of the Graham Guides.

Thanks to the generosity of nearly two-dozen donors, the fundraising campaign has reached and exceeded its target in less than 48 hours. And donations continue to come in!

With 22 editions comprising some 3400 pages published between 1948 and 1973, the Graham Guides have been described as a “pocket-book size masterpiece,” containing results from local, regional, national, and international competitions; official communications; reports on international tours; and commentary from leading figures on the issues of the day. After the Guides have been digitally scanned, PDF copies of each edition will be made available for free download on the SASH website at

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, we’re keeping the campaign open at until Monday, July 31, at noon ET. Funds remaining after paying for the digitization of the Graham Guides will be used for future SASH projects.

Our deepest gratitude to you if you’ve already made a donation. If you would like to contribute but haven’t yet, please visit to make your tax-deductible donation.


  1. Tom McCabe

    A wonderful day for all who value the source materials that help tell our nation’s soccer history. Thank you to all who organized the funding drive and all our gratitude to those who gave so generously. On to digitizing those guides.

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