SASH Session, Friday, Oct. 15 at 12 pm ET: A Book Talk with Brian D. Bunk, author of From Football to Soccer: The Early History of the Beautiful Game in the United States *Updated with video

Friday SASH Sessions return this week with a Book Talk featuring Brian D. Bunk, author of the recently released From Football to Soccer: The Early History of the Beautiful Game in the United States (University of Illinois Press).

In From Football to Soccer, Bunk, a senior lecturer in the history department at the University of Massachusetts, examines a variety of kicking games played by native peoples and colonists alike across North America before soccer’s emergence in the late 1800s. He then discusses the development of league play in the United States, including the first professional leagues, while also recounting the beginnings of the women’s game, the impact of the First World War on soccer’s development, and the return of professionalism in the form of the American Soccer League.

The Book Talk will take place on Friday, October 15, at 12 pm ET.

Topic: Book Talk with Brian D. Bunk
Time: Oct 15, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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One Comment

  1. Wonderful session by SASH’s own Brian Bunk. Another Society member texted me a few weeks ago, “I told Brian after reading his book that I now know what it must’ve been like to be in a band in 1967 thinking I’m recording some great music. Then the Beatles release Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. FROM FOOTBALL TO SOCCER is hands down the best formal/academic distillation of early US soccer history I’ve ever read.” Well said indeed.

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