The Society for American Soccer History has organized a SASH SESSION for July 3, 2020, at 2:00 PM EST.
The subject is the worldwide influence of the Scotch Professors and will feature presenters from the Scotch Professors Network of Scotland and the United States.
The presenters and their presentations are:
Graeme Brown, The Story of the Lost Hampden Park: The World’s Most Important Football Ground
Ged O’Brien, The Scotch Professor: A Half-Hidden History
Jim Mackintosh, Is Poetry About Sport Relevant?
David Kilpatrick, Tartan Threads Woven into US Soccer History
Tom McCabe, A Soccer Brigadoon in the Swamps of Jersey
Scott Hollander, Scotch Professors: Scottish Influence on Early Soccer in Western New York
James Brown, The Scottish Influence on the 1930 USMNT World Cup Squad
Please note that these sessions will be conducted over the SASH Zoom account. See below for the dedicated session URL.
How to access the SASH SESSION taking place on Friday, July 3, at 2 PM EST:
Topic: Scotch Professors Network
Time: Jul 3, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 969 2961 5093
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Nice site to read about Scotland and the area